A novel headspace integrated E-nose
发布时间: 2016-09-09
4028 次浏览
A novel headspace integrated E-nose based on metal oxide gas sensor arrays is reported. And its perfor-mance to distinguish six groups of Chinese medical herbs which might be mixed easily by appearance ispresented. The headspace integrated E-nose is mainly consisted of gas sensing module, signal processionmodule and human-machine interaction module. The E-nose, integrated with an innovative headspacediffusion sampling way, has a compact structure with an approximate size of ˚ 48 × 100 mm. For the char-acteristics of the small size and the headspace diffusion sampling way, it is suitable for on-site volatilesanalysis in food and raw material detection. Temperature modulation technology was combined withpattern recognition analysis to enhance the selectivity of the E-nose. Principal components analysis andSammon mapping were used in the feature extraction, while the sample was discriminated by Fisher dis-criminant analysis. The correct classification rate of the headspace integrated E-nose for discriminatingthirteen species of herbs is 100%, which shows the potential application of the E-nose for on-site volatilesanalysis.